You Got This!

You Got This Highlights

If you're new to You Got This, start here! Some of our favorite content from throughout the years.

10 items
5:01 total length

You Got This started with our first annual event in January 2019. Since then, it's rapidly expanded to six annual events and a programme of written articles completely focused on core skills.

At the first event, Jo delivered her talk on spotting destructive thought patterns, manage anxiety and procrastination, and how to be kinder to yourself. To this day, it's one of our community's favorites.

At our second event, Keziyah spoke about the dangers of unconditional job love - a problem many of us face near the start of our career when we both are wanting to please, and lack experience of what a job should be like.

Once you're in your role, you have the power to influence change. No matter your background, Anjuan will help you understand that you have privilege and can lend it to underrepresented groups in tech.

As you continue in your role, there's always a looming question on when to leave. After all, there’s one guarantee in your career: you won’t work the same job forever. In this talk, Rachel Lee urges you not to wait until you're at the end of your patience to leave. Learn about how to understand what you want out of a job, weigh your options, and compare your futures.

The You Got This library offers so much more content, and here's some more to get you started. We hope you get lots of value from what we offer, and that we'll see you at an event soon.