You Got This!

Talks will be recorded and live captions provided by White Coat Captioning.

Welcome talk

18:00 Abidjan

Navigating Freelance Nightmares

18:10 Abidjan

Creating and running your freelance practice can be as stressful as it is rewarding. In this talk, we will cover how to use your networks, borrow techniques from professional services, and how to keep cool when things go wrong.

Protecting Yourself When Things Go Wrong

18:30 Abidjan

If work has started to feel like a bad horror film, you're not powerless. Danae will cover a simple 5-step process to help you protect yourself at work if something scary is happening.

Navigating Major Turnover In Your Company

18:55 Abidjan

It's common to be worried about layoffs, but what if you’re actually one of the few people that remain? Whether it’s due to downsizing or a change in leadership or just a natural cycle of turnover, being one of the few remaining team members can be scary! Just like a horror movie, as each person leaves your anxiety and fear of the unknown grows. But fear not! Learn from Benjamin’s experience surviving a major period of turnover. He’ll share lessons and strategies that you can use anytime your team loses members quickly.

Oh No - Tech Bro!

19:15 Abidjan

The spooky world of brogrammers can be off-putting, alienating, and career hindering. This talk will introduce a toolkit that will help you navigate difficult personalities, offer non-performative ways forward, and you might even survive to tell the tale... Whilst this toolkit was created with marginalised groups in mind, it is not limited to a specific audience - it provides guidance that can apply to a range of positions across the tech industry, including (and importantly!) those with executive power.

Navigating Redundancy

19:40 Abidjan

For most people, “we’re letting you go” are the words you never want to hear. Being made redundant, or laid off, can be shocking and devastating. Suze Shardlow has faced redundancy three times in her career. It became easier each time because she learnt something new about the process, and knowledge is power. In this talk, she will outline the things you need to know and do before, during and after your job is taken away from you so you can protect your emotional and financial well-being.